Điểm & Review



Linearthinking Ambassador

Trần Thiện Minh

Giáo viên SAT & IELTS tại DOL IELTS Đình Lực

I believe in the empowerment of student. In my class, I strive not to be a "lecturer," but rather a facilitator of learning.


IELTS Overall



Cử nhân

RMIT University


Chứng chỉ giảng dạy Tiếng Anh

Triết lý giáo dục

I believe in the empowerment of student. In my class, I strive not to be a "lecturer," but rather a facilitator of learning. I believe that students learn the best when they are guided towards knowledge, not handed directly. I am also a firm believer in freedom of expression. Students should be able to express any opinion they have without any fear or reservation and ask any question they need on their quest for knowledge. I don't wish to impose my own points of view on students; rather, I try to create an atmosphere of free and fair discussion. I believe that open exchange of ideas is the best way to teach and learn.

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