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IELTS Speaking Hometown: Questions & Example Answers

Topic Hometown (quê hương) thường xuất hiện trong bài thi IELTS Speaking vì đây là một chủ đề quen thuộc, đem lại cho thí sinh cơ hội để chia sẻ về đời sống và văn hóa của mình.

Hãy cùng DOL tìm hiểu cách thảo luận về Hometown, thể hiện khả năng giao tiếp và thảo luận vấn đề bằng tiếng Anh một cách tự nhiên và chân thực nhằm nâng cao điểm số trong bài thi IELTS Speaking. Mời bạn tham khảo những câu hỏi và bài mẫu trả lời DOL đã chuẩn bị dưới đây.

hometown speaking

Speaking Part 1 Topic Hometown

Trong phần 1 của bài thi IELTS Speaking, thí sinh sẽ trả lời các câu hỏi về các chủ đề phổ biến và quen thuộc trong cuộc sống hàng ngày, bao gồm chủ đề Hometown.

Một số câu hỏi tham khảo IELTS Speaking Part 1 topic Hometown.

  1. Where is your hometown?

  2. Is that a big city or a small place?

  3. Please describe your hometown a little.

  4. How long have you been living there?

  5. Do you think you will continue living there for a long time?

  6. Do you like your hometown?

  7. Do you like living there?

  8. What do you like (most) about your hometown?

  9. Is there anything you dislike about it?

  10. What's your hometown famous for?

  11. Did you learn about the history of your hometown at school?

  12. Are there many young people in your hometown?

  13. Is your hometown a good place for young people to pursue their careers?

  14. What is special about your hometown?

  15. Where is your hometown located?

  16. Is it easy to travel around your hometown?

  17. What is it known for?

  18. Would you like to live elsewhere?

  19. Does your hometown have a lot of tourists?

Cùng DOL English tìm hiểu những mẫu câu ghi điểm IELTS Speaking Part 1 nhé!

1 Where is your hometown?

Answer: I hail from the dynamic Ho Chi Minh City, also known as Vietnam's southern crown jewel. It's a city that is filled with life, a vibrant tapestry woven from rich history, mouthwatering cuisine, and endless energy.


  • hail from (v): đến từ

  • crown jewel (n): viên ngọc quý

  • tapestry (n): bức tranh thảm (figurative language)

2 Is that a big city or a small place?

Answer: Ho Chi Minh City is a bustling metropolis, teeming with millions of residents. It's a far cry from a sleepy village!


  • bustling (adj): nhộn nhịp

  • metropolis (n.): thành phố lớn

  • teem with (v): đông đúc

  • far cry (idiom): rất khác biệt

Tổng hợp từ vựng chủ đề Hometown đầy đủ nhất!

3 Please describe your hometown a little.

Answer: Ho Chi Minh City seamlessly blends the ancient and the modern. Towering skyscrapers share the skyline with centuries-old pagodas, and the aroma of street food mingles with the exhaust fumes of motorbikes – it's a city that's alive with sensory overload in the best way possible!


  • seamlessly (adv): liền mạch

  • towering (adj.): cao chót vót

  • skyscraper (n): tòa nhà chọc trời

  • skyline (n): đường chân trời

  • pagoda (n): chùa

  • sensory overload (n): quá tải giác quan

4 How long have you been living there?

Answer: I've been a Saigon native all my life! Eighteen years and counting in this crazy, exciting city. It's definitely a place that keeps you on your toes.


  • native (n): dân gốc

  • counting (v): tính

  • crazy (adj): sôi động, náo nhiệt

  • keep one on his toes (idiom): khiến ai đó luôn sẵn sàng

5 Do you think you will continue living there for a long time?

Answer: The jury's still out on that one! Ho Chi Minh City is a great launching pad, but there's a whole world out there to explore. I might spread my wings and experience life in another country someday.


  • jury's still out (idiom): chưa có quyết định cuối cùng

  • launching pad (n): bàn đạp

  • spread my wings (idiom): vươn ra thế giới

  • experience (v): trải nghiệm

6 Do you like your hometown?

Answer: Ho Chi Minh City can be a love-hate relationship at times. It's loud, it's crowded, but it's also my home. There's a certain energy here, a can-do spirit that's inspiring. I wouldn't trade the memories I've made here for anything.


  • love-hate relationship (n): mối quan hệ vừa yêu vừa ghét

  • can-do spirit (n): tinh thần dám nghĩ dám làm

  • trade (v): đánh đổi

7 Do you like living there?

Answer: Absolutely! Despite the hustle and bustle, there's a real sense of community here. The food scene is incredible, and there's always something new to discover around every corner. It's a city that never sleeps, and that kind of vibrancy is contagious.


  • hustle and bustle (n): sự nhộn nhịp

  • sense of community (n): tinh thần cộng đồng

  • incredible (adj): tuyệt vời

  • discover (v): khám phá

  • vibrancy (n): sự sôi động

8 What do you like (most) about your hometown?

Answer: The unbeatable energy is what gets me! There's this constant buzz, a sense that anything is possible. It's a city that's always on the move, and that kind of vibrancy is infectious. You can't help but feel motivated by it.


  • unbeatable (adj): không gì sánh được

  • buzz (n): sự nhộn nhịp

  • vibrancy (n): sự sôi động

9 Is there anything you dislike about it?

Answer: Sure, there are downsides. The traffic can be a nightmare, and the pollution can get pretty bad sometimes. But hey, you win some, you lose some, right?


  • downsides (n): mặt hạn chế

  • nightmare (n): cơn ác mộng

  • pollution (n): ô nhiễm

  • win some, lose some: được cái này, mất cái kia

10 What's your hometown famous for?

Answer: Ho Chi Minh City is a historical melting pot! We've got French colonial architecture, ancient pagodas, and even a giant wartime museum. There's something for everyone.


  • melting pot (n): nơi đa văn hóa và sắc tộc

  • colonial (adj.): thuộc địa

  • architecture (n.): kiến trúc

  • pagoda (n): chùa

11 Did you learn about the history of your hometown at school?

Answer: We definitely touched on it in history class. Sài Gòn was a colony of France until 1975. One year later, it was named after our beloved president Ho Chi Minh.


  • touched on (v): đề cập đến

  • colony (n.): thuộc địa

  • name A after B (v.) đặt tên A theo B

12 Are there many young people in your hometown?

Answer: Definitely. There are students and young professionals everywhere you look, which creates a cool, buzzy atmosphere.


  • definitely (adv.) tất nhiên

  • professional (n.) chuyên gia

  • buzzy (adj): nhộn nhịp

13 Is your hometown a good place for young people to pursue their careers?

Answer: It definitely has potential! There are tons of opportunities here, from tech startups to established businesses. The city is constantly growing and evolving, which means there's always space for new ideas.


  • potential (n): tiềm năng

  • tech startup (n): công ty khởi nghiệp công nghệ

  • established business (n): doanh nghiệp lớn

14 What is special about your hometown?

Answer: Ho Chi Minh City is a real melting pot of cultures! It's like a living history book, with French colonial architecture and ancient pagodas. But it's also a city that never sleeps – the buzz is contagious, and there's always something exciting happening around the next corner.


  • melting pot (n): nơi đa văn hóa và sắc tộc

  • architecture (n.): kiến trúc

  • pagoda (n.): chùa chiền

  • buzz (n.): sự nhộn nhịp

15 Where is your hometown located?

Answer: Ho Chi Minh City is the heart of southern Vietnam. It's a sprawling metropolis right on the Mekong Delta, so you never have to go far for a fresh seafood feast!


  • heart (n.): trung tâm

  • sprawling (adj): lan rộng

  • metropolis (n.): thành phố lớn, quan trọng

  • feast (n.): bữa tiệc

16 Is it easy to travel around your hometown?

Answer: Getting around Ho Chi Minh City can be a bit of an adventure. There are a million motorbikes weaving in and out of traffic, but it's all part of the experience! Grabbing a ride on a three-wheel cyclo is a great way to see the city and feel the pulse of the place.


  • adventure (n): cuộc phiêu lưu

  • weave (v.) luồn lách

  • three-wheel cyclo (n.): xích lô

  • pulse (n.): nhịp đập

17 What is it known for?

Answer: Ho Chi Minh City is a city of contrasts. You can explore the Notre Dame Cathedral, a reminder of French colonisation, then head to Ben Thanh Market to haggle for souvenirs with local vendors. It's a place where the present and history collide, creating a truly unique atmosphere.


  • contrasts (n): sự tương phản

  • Notre Dame Cathedral: Nhà thờ Đức Bà

  • colonisation (n.): sự đô hộ

  • haggle (v.): mặc cả

  • collide (v): va chạm

18 Would you like to live elsewhere?

Answer: Maybe someday! Ho Chi Minh City can be a bit overwhelming at times, and I wouldn't mind experiencing a quieter pace of life. But for now, I love the energy and opportunities this city offers.


  • overwhelming (adj): choáng ngợp

  • pace of life: nhịp sống

19 Does your hometown have a lot of tourists?

Answer: Ho Chi Minh City is a major tourist destination, especially for backpackers and foodies. It can get a bit crowded during peak season, but that's also part of the city's charm. You get to meet people from all over the world, and there's always something new to discover.


  • backpacker (n): người đi phượt

  • foodie (n): người sành ăn

  • peak season: mùa cao điểm

  • charm (n.): sự quyến rũ

  • discover (v.): khám phá

Speaking Part 2 topic Hometown

Câu hỏi thường gặp nhất trong phần thi IELTS Speaking part 2 chủ đề Hometown là trình bày về quên hương của bạn (Talk about your hometown).

Talk about your hometown.

You should say:

  • Where it is?

  • What is special about it?

  • What tourists should do there?

  • And explain whether it is an ideal place to live in or not?

Mời bạn tham khảo cách DOL bao quát hết những câu hỏi gợi ý qua bài mẫu sau.


In the far north of Vietnam, Ha Giang province is where I call home. What makes Ha Giang truly special is the feeling of being off the beaten track. Here, you won't find crowds of tourists, just breathtaking scenery and a glimpse into a simpler way of life. For the adventurous, there are epic motorbike journeys along winding roads up the mountain. You can even trek through remote villages, stopping to chat with friendly locals and learn about their unique cultures.

Ha Giang is a paradise for nature lovers and photographers. You can either capture the sunrise over a sea of clouds, or get lost in the vibrant colors of the flower season, when the entire landscape explodes with pink buckwheat blossoms.

Now, is Ha Giang an ideal place to live? It depends what you're looking for. Life here is undeniably beautiful, but it's also challenging. Infrastructure can be basic, and job opportunities are limited. However, for those seeking an authentic experience and a deep connection with nature, Ha Giang offers something truly special.


  • province (n.): tỉnh thành

  • off the beaten track (idiom): nơi xa lánh và ít người biết

  • breathtaking (adj.): đẹp hớp hồn

  • scenery (n.) phong cảnh

  • glimpse (n.): cái nhìn thoáng qua

  • the adventurous (adj.): người ưa mạo hiểm

  • winding (adj.): quanh co

  • epic (adj.): hùng vĩ

  • trek (v.): đi bộ đường dài

  • remote (adj.): xa xôi, hẻo lánh

  • unique (adj.): độc nhất

  • paradise (n.): thiên đường

  • capture (v.): chụp lại, lưu giữ

  • vibrant (adj.): sống động, sôi nổi

  • buckwheat blossom (n.) hoa tam giác mạch

  • infrastructure (n.): cơ sở hạ tầng

  • authentic (adj.): chân thực, đích thực

Speaking Part 3 topic Hometown

Trong phần thi IELTS Speaking part 3, các câu hỏi thường yêu cầu thí sinh phải phát triển ý kiến của mình, cung cấp lập luận chi tiết và biểu đạt ý kiến cá nhân một cách rõ ràng và logic.

Một số câu hỏi topic Hometown IELTS Speaking Part 3.

  1. How easy is it to find a place to live in your country?

  2. Do you think it's better to rent or to buy a place to live in?

  3. Do you agree that there is a right age for young adults to stop living with their parents?

  4. Why do people have a very strong bond with their hometown?

  5. Which affects a person’s personality more, the hometown or the current city? Why?

  6. What can people do to improve their hometown even if they do not live there?

Hãy cùng DOL tham khảo những bài mẫu sau đây để trả lời câu hỏi một cách linh hoạt, hiệu quả và đạt điểm số bạn mong muốn nhé!

1 How easy is it to find a place to live in your country?

Answer: Finding a place in Vietnam can be a breeze, especially in big cities like Ho Chi Minh or Hanoi. There's a ton of options to choose from, whether you fancy apartments, houses, or even sharing a flat. This boils down to two main reasons. Firstly, Vietnam's economy is booming, so new places are popping up all the time. Secondly, there's a large expat community, so landlords are familiar with what foreigners look for in a rental.

However, if you have a shoestring budget, you might have difficulties searching for a location with all the bells and whistles. But with enough research, I believe it’s fairly easy to find a place that ticks all your boxes.


  • Breeze (n): chuyện dễ dàng

  • A ton of (n): rất nhiều

  • Fancy (v): thích

  • Booming (adj): phát triển mạnh mẽ

  • Pop up (v.) mọc lên, xuất hiện

  • Expat (n.): người nước ngoài

  • Shoestring budget (n): ngân sách eo hẹp

  • Bells and whistles (n): các tiện ích

2 Do you think it's better to rent or to buy a place to live in?

Answer: I think renting is preferable to buying a place. Renting offers flexibility especially when you're young and unsure where you want to put down roots. Plus, it allows you to try out different neighborhoods and cities. On the other hand, though buying a place provides stability, it requires wealth and commitment. Settling down surely ties you down to a place and may deprive you of the chance to discover better accommodation options.


  • Flexibility (n): sự linh hoạt

  • Put down roots (phr): định cư lâu dài

  • Stability (n): sự ổn định

  • Wealth (n): sự giàu có

  • Settling down (n): việc định cư

  • Deprive someone of something (v.): ngăn cản ai có được điều gì

3 Do you agree that there is a right age for young adults to stop living with their parents?

Answer: I don’t think there is a specific "right age" to move out. Maturity and independence come at different paces for everyone. However, there can be benefits to young adults eventually leaving the nest. Firstly, it fosters a sense of self-reliance. Living on their own teaches young adults valuable life skills like budgeting, managing a household, and navigating responsibilities. It allows them to spread their wings and truly learn to stand on their own two feet.

Secondly, living independently can strengthen relationships with parents. While some distance can create fondness, it can also lead to a renewed appreciation for family time. Regular visits and phone calls can become more meaningful when not taken for granted.


  • Specific (adj): cụ thể

  • Pace (n): nhịp độ

  • Leaving the nest (v): rời nhà bố mẹ, chuyển ra ngoài sống

  • Foster (v): nuôi dưỡng

  • Self-reliance (n): tính tự lập

  • Navigate (v): điều hướng

  • Spread one's wings (idiom): vươn ra thế giới

  • Stand on one's own two feet (idiom): tự lập

  • Fondness (n): tình cảm

  • Taken for granted (idiom): coi là điều hiển nhiên

4 Why do people have a very strong bond with their hometown?

Answer: People often form a deep connection with their hometowns for a couple of reasons. First, it's a place filled with fond memories and formative experiences. These early moments shape who we are and create a sense of nostalgia that pulls us back. Second, hometowns often provide a sense of belonging. The familiar sights, sounds, and people create a feeling of comfort and security that can be hard to replicate elsewhere.


  • Fond memories (n): kỷ niệm đẹp

  • Formative (adj.): đầu đời, quan trọng với quá trình phát triển của một người

  • Nostalgia (n): sự hoài niệm

  • Sense of belonging (n): cảm giác thuộc về

  • Replicate (v.): sao chép, nhân bản

5 Which affects a person’s personality more, the hometown or the current city? Why?

Answer: I believe your hometown has a stronger impact on your personality. Your hometown shapes your foundation – your early values, beliefs, and experiences. It is a process that takes place for years, becoming the framework for your judgements and decisions. As you move through life, though your current city may expose you to new experiences which can also shape your personality, I believe this is only a temporary shift. At the end of the day, I believe you will go back to your old ways.


  • Foundation (n): nền tảng

  • Take place (v.): diễn ra

  • Framework (n.): khuôn mẫu

  • Shape (v): hình thành

  • Combination (n): sự kết hợp

  • Go back to the old ways: ngựa quen đường cũ

6 What can people do to improve their hometown even if they do not live there?

Answer: There are many ways to contribute to your hometown, even from afar. First, you can support local businesses by shopping online or donating to charities. Staying in touch with friends and family is also key. In addition, social media and video calls can help bridge the distance. Every once in a while. you can update the status of your hometown to consider the next step towards supporting your community.


  • Contribute (v.) đóng góp

  • Stay in touch (phr): giữ liên lạc

  • Donate (v): quyên góp

  • Bridge the distance (phr): thu hẹp khoảng cách

  • consider (v): cân nhắc

Đối với phần thi IELTS Speaking, việc tham khảo và học hỏi các bài mẫu là một phương pháp hữu ích để bổ sung vốn từ và cấu trúc câu. Tuy nhiên, bạn nên hạn chế học thuộc lòng vì giám khảo có thể phát hiện điều này và trừ điểm bài thi của bạn. Thay vào đó, hãy luyện tập thường xuyên để phát triển thói quen phản xạ và hình thành khả năng trả lời một cách tự nhiên.

Một phương pháp hữu ích để áp dụng trong quá trình luyện tập là Linearthinking. Bạn có thể tìm hiểu về phương pháp Linearthinking độc quyền của DOL để đạt điểm IELTS mong muốn.

Xem thêm bài mẫu chi tiết và từ vựng tham khảo cho phần thi IELTS Speaking tại website https://tuhocielts.dolenglish.vn/.

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